Partner Meeting in Tampere, Finland, 4th and 5th December 2019 (Day 2)

Partner Meeting in Tampere, Finland, 4th and 5th December 2019 (Day 2)

Activities on 2nd Day partner meeting (5th December 2019):

  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Slovenia (MESS) presented results on Dissemination (WP 6) and plan followed by discussion about ATS STEM brochure and other activities.
  • Donau University Krems (DUK) presented results and activities on Quality Assurance (WP 8) followed by discussion and plan of activities on quality assurance of pilot implementation moderated by GO!.
  • H2 together with DCU presented Project management (WP 7) activities, especially on reporting.
  • At the end also a plan for next face-to-face has been made. On April 2020 meeting, the next meeting will be hosted by Haninge kommun Sweden).
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