10 Jun Missed the conference? Watch it here.
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The presentations were recorded and you can watch it at the video below.
0:45:00 Conference Opening
1:02:34 Introducing ATS STEM: Key themes
1:30:45 Transformative skills in schools: Stories from Europe
2:14:30 Coffee break
2:37:40 Address by Lord Mayor of Dublin Alison Gilliland
2:48:25 Address by Minister of Education Ireland Norma Foley
2:53:10 Irish engineer, scientist, writer and perform Dr Niamh Shaw
3:40:05 Questions
3:44:00 Lunch
4:45:27 Poster showcase from case study schools
6:04:25 Thanks followed with the Round room at the Mansion house historical about the Venue
6:08:00 Lessons from Assess@Learning – Katja Engelhardt (European Schoolnet)
6:29:05 Panel Discussion: From practice to policy and back again to nurture key STEM skills
7:10:15 Closing Remarks