Missed the conference? Watch it here.

final conference poster

Missed the conference? Watch it here.

Did you miss the conference live or in person and would like to get the information? Short teaser here>>

The presentations were recorded and you can watch it at the video below.

0:45:00 Conference Opening
1:02:34 Introducing ATS STEM: Key themes
1:30:45 Transformative skills in schools: Stories from Europe
2:14:30 Coffee break
2:37:40 Address by Lord Mayor of Dublin Alison Gilliland
2:48:25 Address by Minister of Education Ireland Norma Foley
2:53:10 Irish engineer, scientist, writer and perform Dr Niamh Shaw
3:40:05 Questions
3:44:00 Lunch
4:45:27 Poster showcase from case study schools
6:04:25 Thanks followed with the Round room at the Mansion house historical about the Venue
6:08:00 Lessons from Assess@Learning – Katja Engelhardt (European Schoolnet)
6:29:05 Panel Discussion: From practice to policy and back again to nurture key STEM skills
7:10:15 Closing Remarks

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