
Inside and outside Adventure In the multi-diciplinary project "Inside and outside Adventure", students work theoretically, practically and experimentally focusing disciplinary skills and problem solving. The project includes individual as well as group work, including peer-reviews. Students engage in different indoor and outdoor activities - focusing on...

Is it in the bin? In the multi-disciplinary project "Is it in the bin?" students work collaboratively both theoretically, practically and experimentally. The project includes individual work as well as group work including peer assessment. The students experienced two learning cycles. The first focusing on the...

Energy in my home In the project "Energy in my home" the students work theoretically, practically and experimentally. The project includes individual work but also collaboration and the TPS model. Students report through oral presentation, mini whiteboards, posters, digital/analogue logbook. Sustainable Development Goals: n° 3: Good Health...

Open Spaces (years 4-6)/Offentliga rum (årskurs 4-6) In the project Open Spaces, students act as entrepreneurs and city planners. The students develop suggestions for improvement in a specific public place close to their school. The students sketch, build prototypes and writes logbook. They give feedback on...