29 Jan ATS STEM Newsletter – January 2021
Be well and stay safe!
The ATS STEM team wishes all the members of our pilot schools, all our partners and everyone who follows our activities a Happy New Year. Let’s make it fabulous!
Project activities from November 2020
- Regular partner monthly on-line meetings (December 3rd, January 6th)
- WPs’ essential partner workshops and expert group meetings on weekly or monthly base
- Online meetings with school project teams
Current activities
- WP reports from the project deliverables are available:
- Report #1: STEM Education in Schools: What Can We Learn from the Research?
- Report #2: Government Responses to the Challenge of STEM Education: Case Studies from Europe
- Report #3: Digital Formative Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM
- Report #4: Virtual Learning Environments and Digital Tools for Implementing Formative Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM
- Report #5: Towards the ATS STEM conceptual framework
- Uploaded information on Pilot schools for Slovenia and Belgium.
- Updated boxes ATS STEM & activities and Teacher materials.
- Brochure ATS STEM – new translations
- The ATS-STEM Teacher Guidelines are now available as a Moodle course. Log in as a guest: bit.ly/atsstemmoodle
Latest news:
- 15. 01. 2021 Pilot Implementation: Ireland
- 23. 12. 2020 Be well and stay safe!
- 09. 12. 2020 Updates on the ATS STEM pilot implementation in Cyprus
- 08. 12. 2020 How can we teach for sustainability- online workshop for Haninge teachers
We invite you to look at country news in other languages:
- 26. 01. 2021 Četrti učiteljski izmenjevalnik šolskih projektnih timov
- 16. 12. 2020 Tretji učiteljski izmenjevalnik članov šolskih projektnih timov
- 02. 11. 2020 GO! Koninklijk Atheneum Antwerpen: Meldingsfiche ivm communicatie omtrent het ATS STEM-project
Interesting links (international/national workshops and events)
- 30. 11. 2020 NO-lärare plockar ner forskare på jorden
- 08. 01. 2021 Best evidence on remote learning – PLUS metacognitive strategies for home learning & other Covid-19 resources
Thank you for being interested in the project ATS STEM!
ATS STEM is co-funded under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 3.
Visit web page: www.atsstem.eu
Follow ATS STEM on Twitter
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