26 Oct ATS STEM Newsletter nr. 7, October 2021
Project activities from June 2021
- Regular partner monthly on-line meeting (July 1st, September 9th)
- Project partner meeting online (October 19th and 21st)
- WPs’ essential partner workshops and expert group meetings on weekly or monthly base
- WP5 online meeting with national evaluators
- Closing conference of Slovenian ATS STEM pilot schools
- Third school networking event (Tuesday, June 22nd)
- Fourth school networking event (Tuesday, September 28th)
Current activities
- Submited annual progress report to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission
- Final STEM competences questionnaires completed
- Terminology, dissemination & communication plan
- Request for the amendment of the ATS STEM project to May 27th 2022 has been approved
- The latest Progress Report has been approved by the Agency
- Brochure ATS STEM available in all languages of partner countries
- The ATS-STEM Teacher Guidelines are available as a Moodle course. Log in as a guest: bit.ly/atsstemmoodle
Latest news:
- 23.06.2021 Zoom IN! Third Pilot Schools Networking Event
- 14.07.2021 Closing conference of Slovenian ATS STEM pilot schools
- 28.09.2021 Zoom IN! Fourth Pilot Schools Networking Event
- 06.10.2021 ATS STEM – Austrian Dissemination Event of Danube University Krems “MINT BRINGT’S”
- 08.10.2021 Online CPD for Primary and Post Primary teachers (Ireland)
- 14.10.2021 Article ‘Transversal Skills in STEM: From policy to practice, digital and unplugged’ in 2021 EADTU Empower report (Ireland)
- 14.10.2021 Challenges of Authenticity in Science Teaching (Slovenia)
- 19.10.2021 Project Partner Meeting – Day 1
- 21.10.2021 Project partner meeting – Day 2
- 25.10.2021 National Report for Ireland on Field Trials of Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM
We invite you to look at country news in other languages:
- 08.10.2021 Kick-Off event voor het nieuwe schooljaar (Belgium)
Interesting links (international/national workshops and events)
- Swedish free hands-on, webinar-based workshop on Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ), Thursday 28th October, 2021 – 2-4pm CSET (To register for this event, please contact Dr. Eva Hartell on ehartell@kth.se by 5pm CSET on Wednesday 27th October, 2021)
- Resistrations open for virtual conference researchED Haninge (4th December 2021, Sweden)
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