Closing conference of Slovenian ATS STEM pilot schools

Closing conference of Slovenian ATS STEM pilot schools

On June 30, our ATS STEM project partners from Slovenia held the final conference for the pilot schools. Representatives from almost all 17 partner schools attended the event.

The aim of the event was to meet the pilot school team members in person again after the long COVID quarantine period and to give the schools the opportunity to present the results of their ATS STEM learning cycles. And the results are truly amazing!

After the introductory remarks, participants took part in a problem solving activity to try out part of the ATS STEM cycle themselves – finding solutions. The lead project coordinator Eamon Costello from Dublin City Unversity was also online to welcome all Slovenian representatives. The Slovenian pilot schools had 3 time slots for their presentations and some of them brought the final results and presented them in the form of a small exhibition.

After the official part of the conference, the participants visited the interactive exhibition at Tehnopark Celje. They turned on their curiosity and interacted with the exhibits on display.



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