Partner Meeting in Tampere, Finland, 4th and 5th December 2019 (Day 1)

Partner Meeting in Tampere, Finland, 4th and 5th December 2019 (Day 1)

The University of Tampere, our host partner, welcomed all ATS STEM project partners to Finland. In addition to regular weekly videoconferences partners organize several times a year face-to-face meet to review and further plan the progress, discuss issues and solutions and fix further actions. The meeting in Tampere is the 2nd face-to-face meeting of all project partners.

Activities on 1st Day partner meeting (4th December 2019):

  • The Dublin City University (DCU) and H2 from Ireland gave a general overview on project activities and progress done.
  • Experts from DCU presented current activities and results on ATS STEM Conceptual Framework (WP 1) as well as STEM Formative Digital Assessment Approach (WP 2). It was followed by creative workshop and discussion how outcomes of desk research can be integrated in ATS STEM framework in Integrated STEM Topics (core STEM skill and competences, STEM learning design principles, Formative Assessment STEM Tasks, Digital Assessment Tools).
  • Tampere University is together with essential partners leader of Teachers’ Professional Development (WP 3). Most important principles have been presented and discussed and time line defined.
  • GO! presented activities on Pilot implementation (WP 4) plan and time line was defined.
  • University of Santiago de Compostello presented current activities in pilot evaluation which in connection with WP 2, 3 and 4. Evaluation will include ATS STEM pilot students, teachers, mentors (teacher trainer and consultants).



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