Zoom IN! Fourth Pilot Schools Networking Event

Zoom IN! Fourth Pilot Schools Networking Event

On September 28, we organized the fourth ‘Pilot Schools networking event, ZoomIn!’. Although the number of participants was smaller, we had a very pleasant meeting with wonderful presentations. This time we hosted:

Mr. Diego Iglesias Ucha from CPR Padre Feijoo Zorelle, Ourense, Spain – he presented three cycles of learning: ‘What World War I is made of, Thermalism and Health and In-Justice‘.

Mr. Tilen Miklavčič from Fran Albreht Kamnik Primary School, Slovenia – with his presentation of the learning cycle ‘How to Reduce the Use of Single-Use Plastic Bags in our Lives’.

Mr. Alberto Sacido Romero from IES Rosalía de Castro, Santiago de Compostela, Spain – presenting three learning cycles: ‘Experimenting COVID -19, Reporting the Pandemic, Speaking to the Protagonists‘.

All three presentations gave a very valuable insight into the design of learning cycles, how students developed and approached the different steps of the learning cycles and what kind of results were achieved. The last presentation, which was about COVID 19, received a very good response and a lot of media coverage at local/regional level.




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