
How to improve the lives of the residents of the center for the elderly in Medvode

The presentation shows how eight grade students, using an engineering approach and elements of formative monitoring of collaboration and problem solving skills, and with the support of various ICT tools (ZOOM, Moodle online classroom, Padlet, Google documents, Google forms, etc.), collaboratively solved the problem of the 2nd STEM learning unit entitled “How to improve the lives of the residents of CSO Medvode?” while assessing transversal skills. As a solution to the problem raised by the students (that the elderly residents are bored…) they made different products (raised garden beds and two mini gardens as well as different board games) and delivered them to the residents of CSO Medvode.

We finished the learning unit in 8 school hours, live and partly by distance learning. Students solved the tasks independently. Instructions and links to applications were provided by students in the Moodle classroom. Teachers mainly played the role of observers and facilitators of the learning process.

We are particularly proud of this part as we managed to connect our school with the local community and brighten the days of the elderly during the difficult Corona times.


ADDITIONAL VIDEO: Presentation of the ATS STEM learning cycle in Slovenian language


Sustainable Development Goal n° 3: Good Health and Well-Being




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