Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia


The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS) is in charge of administrative services in the field of education, science and sports and conducts several operations in its capacity.

The Department of Educational Development and Quality performs tasks associated with the work of the governmental professional councils for education through its Educational Development Unit. It also oversees the management of the EU cohesion policy projects including the plans and preparation for research and development at national, EU and international level.

It conducts research and development in areas related to pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education, adult education, music education, and education programs for children and young persons with special needs. It is an active participant in the European education information network (Eurydice) and contributes to the evaluation of the education system.

Team members

  • Borut Čampelj, (leader/coordinator)
  • Katja Kuščer, member
  • Petra Bevek, member
  • Sašo Stanojev, external member


MESS leads the Dissemination WP6 and actively disseminates the project at European level. The project will be publicised at experts’ and policy makers’ meetings, conferences and events on digital education and STEM, peer learning and meetings of working group on Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment – DELTA – E&T2020, head teachers’ and teachers’ meetings and events, other significant international seminars. It will be further propagated to a wider reception through existing channels like UNESCO and bilateral collaboration.

MESS is actively involved in the pilot implementation with schools in Slovenia (planning, development, meetings, and monitoring) and provides support for experts and teachers at a strategic level and also offers organizational solutions.

MESS contributes to all Work Packages’s of the project, for example strategic leadership, analyses existing policy and strategy in the county and outside of the country.

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