Pilot School Networking Events – Zoom In!

Pilot School Networking Events – Zoom In!

One of the aims of the ATS STEM Erasmus+ project is also to create a platform, a networking space for the pilot schools to share and exchange experiences and examples of good practice. For this purpose, we have organized two networking events “Zoom IN!” so far.

At the first one, which took place in April, three schools presented their practices – STEM units and learning cycles:

The presentations gave an interesting and valuable insight into planning the learning cycle, different techniques and sustainable development goals and assessment tools.


At the second networking event in June, two more pilot schools presented their interesting work, unit planning and results:

  • Hoglundaskolan from Sweden, where pupils talked about trash, recycling and a tidy environment in “Check point recycle” and
  • again from Slovenia Primary Schools Otočec, where students conducted a very interesting research and thought about solutions related to “Beavers in the area of the Lešnica stream“.

In the coming months, we will prepare more of these online networking events. We will share the project results between our pilot schools and among all who follow us.


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